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Choose your own adventure!

Concerned about writing, narrative and interactivity? of course you are. Go here

a project that "explores the explore the craft and business of writing in the digital era. It includes case studies from Australia’s rising generation of poets, novelists, screenwriters, games writers and producers who are embracing new media and contains audio and video content from seminars and workshops" by Jennifer Wilson, Therese Fingleton and Christy Dena.

Source : Getshouty

Geek grafities

A graffiti tool that can be programmed to roll your grafities on the wall (or anywhere)!

"This simple Hello Nametag device replicates a common mode of self-labeling found in stranger-filled situations like business conferences and reapplies them to objects in the public realm. Programmed to speak the name of any desired urban furniture these can be stuck to virtually any surface and invite interaction by passers by." source: weburbanist.com
see the flikr set

Giant lantern building

see it here!



Make & etc, links

An email Clock
Trees grow into furniture
Entrevu avec Anthony Dunn de Design Noir (in english)

Ah ce Steeve Man,

a camera IN your eye.


(hilarious/scary )story about building robot wife.

Best of GRL

From the people who brought you the Led throwies, here is a recap of other laser light graffiti projects:

"Our homies over at Graffiti Research Lab (GRL) founded by Evan Roth and James Powderly, show Miami and Antikulture what open source technologies for urban communication can do for artists in this video documenting some sick laser graffiti during this year’s GEN ART Vanguard Art Fair.
Directed by Francesco LoCastro, this footage is not only unique (we'll never think of good ol' laser tag games in the same way) but it raises some questions about the legality of public art. Can laser graffiti be considered vandalism? This cop sure thinks so…"

furniture & stuff, from inspire me, now!





